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Sequel Script: Part 3
RACHEL: All our debts are settled. I expect I'll go west to my Robert. If he'll have me. The farm is mortgaged and now it will have to be sold. MARILLA: Now, Rachel, pull yourself together. RACHEL: Well, I'm no jelly fish. But, a woman my age doesn't make friends and interestes easily, that's all. It breaks my heart to think of leaving Avonlea. ANNE: How are you feeling tonight, Rachel? RACHEL: A little better I think, thank you, Anne. Here's my gift, paid for out of the proceeds of the jersey cow. It's not much of a party gift, but you tell them that I plan to give them my zigzag quilt as a wedding present. MARILLA: Why, Anne, you haven't worn that dress in ages. You look lovely. ANNE: Thank you, Marilla. RACHEL: MARILLA: Put on you sweater. It's going to be cool this evening. ANNE: I'm going alone, Rachel. I hope you don't mind my taking the carriage, Marilla. MARILLA: No, no. You did put my name on the card, I hope? ANNE: Of course, Marilla. Good-bye, now. Good-bye, Rachel. MARILLA: Have a lovely time. RACHEL: Be careful that you don't get your skirt caught in the wheel of the haywain, Anne. [Anne leaves] Well, Marilla. You know I pride myself on speaking my mind. I smell trouble, and I don't mind saying so. Providence matched them two up since they were children, that's what. MARILLA: And they are children still. RACHEL: She's 18 and I was married by that time. But Anne's grown too much like you, Marilla. It's the overparticular ones that get left behind. MARILLA: And it is the over opinionated that end up unhappy and meaner than second skimmings. [Anne and Diana laughing] ANNE: Oh! This is glorious! Do you remember the time we slept all night in the hay loft? DIANA: And I was so frightened we were going to be attacked by that barn owl that-- FRED WRIGHT: Come on, Diana. We have to organize the gifts. DIANA: Duty calls. [she leaves] JANE ANDREWS: Anne! Where are you off to? We won't leave any clams for you if you don't hurry back. ANNE: Just enjoying the fresh air. JANE ANDREWS: Oh, you haven't met my fiancé. Harry Inglis from Winnipeg, Anne Shirley. HARRY INGLIS: Pleased to meet you, ma'am. ANNE: Pleased to meet you. Well, you're a very lucky man, Mr. Inglis. Where will you live? JANE ANDREWS: In Montreal. Harry's in the mining business. RUBY GILLIS: Oh, Jane. Stop showing off your ring. I can see it glimmering through the trees. JANE ANDREWS: It's been real nice seeing you again, Anne. Let's go, Harry. RUBY GILLIS: [to two suitors] You boys run along with Jane and Harry. I want to talk to Anne. [they leave] Isn't Jane's millionaire ancient? He could be her father! ANNE: Well, he certainly must have a lot of money. RUBY GILLIS: I'll say! He's just showered her with jewelry. And they're going to Europe on a wedding tour. ANNE: Jane's such a nice girl. She's never even tried to attract attention. RUBY GILLIS: Well, she's certainly not in the millionaires' class. What about you? Are you here with Gilbert? ANNE: I-- RUBY GILLIS: Aren't those two ridiculous? They're determined to sit each other out. I really don't care a snit about either of them. Well, let's get together soon, Anne. I want to hear all your news. ANNE: [pretending to herself] Me? I'd be honored to accept this dance. [dances with imaginary suitor] "You have lovely starry violet eyes." "Why, thank you. You can call me Cordelia." "Cordelia, you have an exquisite rose leaf complexion." GILBERT: [to imaginary suitor] Do allow me. I have an account to settle with this young lady. Your $20. Care to? ANNE: I'm sorry, Gil. I must have two left feet. GILBERT: What are you thinking about? ANNE: GILBERT: Doesn't it remind you of our old school-day picnics? ANNE: Hmm. I don't want any of it to change. I wish I could just hold on to those days forever. I have a feeling things will never be the same again, will they? GILBERT: ANNE: Gil, please don't. GILBERT: What is it? You've been avoiding me all spring, ever since we graduated. ANNE: I never wanted to make you care for me so. I kept away so you wouldn't. GILBERT: Well, I won't be coming back to White Sands in the fall. Dalhousie Medical School's accepted me. ANNE: Gil, I'm so proud of you. GILBERT: I'm sorry about last week. I just wanted to show you how much I care. Now, maybe you don't think I'm good enough for you now, but I will be someday. ANNE: No, Gil. You're a great deal too good for me. But you want someone who will adore you; someone who will be happy just to hang on your arm and build a home for you. I wouldn't. GILBERT: Anne, that's not what I'm looking for at all. ANNE: We'd end up like two old crows, fighting all the time. I know I'd be unhappy and I'd wish we'd never done it. GILBERT: Everybody expects it. You must feel that. ANNE: Well, then, it would be for all the wrong reasons, Gil. You just think that you love me. GILBERT: ANNE: I promise that I will always be here if you need me. Good friends are always together in spirit. Let's not change, Gil. Let's just go on being good friends. ![]() ANNE: I can't. MORGAN HARRIS: [honks horn] WHOA!! ANNE: WHOA! MORGAN HARRIS: Lady, get out of the way! ANNE: Whoa! MORGAN HARRIS: What the heck are you doing, lady? Do you have any idea how difficult it is to replace one of these lanterns? ANNE: You had no business taking the right of way! MORGAN HARRIS: You had no business to be out here alone in the dark without a lantern! ANNE: Are all motorists as bold as you? I enjoying being out alone at night! Any gentleman would have had the decency to stop! MORGAN HARRIS: I was hoping we'd meet again. I've been wondering for several weeks exactly who you were. I'm sorry I wasn't able to introduce myself that day on the beach-- ANNE: I have no desire to be introduced, thank you. MORGAN HARRIS: ANNE: Actually, lots of people have. MORGAN HARRIS: Why don't you tie the horse up? I'll take you wherever you want to go. You can come back for the buggy in the morning. ANNE: I'll do no such thing! MORGAN HARRIS: Suit yourself. Just trying to be a gentleman. ANNE: Don't give yourself airs. You are in a class entirely by yourself! ANNE: [singing with record to Oh, Promise Me] "Oh promise me that someday you and I / Will take our love together to some sky / Where we can be alone and love renew..." DIANA: If the minister's wife ever gets through this piece, I shall faint. I cannot stop it. ANNE: "...the flowers are in bloo--oom." DIANA: Oh, stop it. Oh, I'm going to be sick. ANNE: Now, now. This is you, nervously sweeping up the aisle on your father's arm, your black curls frosted over with the film of your delicate chiffon veil. The perfect bride, you look into Fred's red face and whisper: "I'm unwept." DIANA: Oh, don't be mean! ANNE: Just promise me one thing: If he faints, make sure you catch him. [they fall on the bed and the bed breaks] MRS. BARRY: [from downstairs] Diana! Diana Barry, what in heaven's name is going on? DIANA: [whispering to Anne] Now you've done it. MRS. BARRY: [from downstairs] Diana, answer me. DIANA: Nothing, Mother. We're just rehearsing the wedding march. MRS. BARRY: [from downstairs] For pity sake, don't march through the ceiling. DIANA: Oh, I'm so nervous, Anne. I don't know how I'm going to get through this tomorrow. ANNE: You'll be alright. Everyone survives the ceremony; it's afterwards... DIANA: Oh, you're so smug. Wait till your turn comes, Miss Anne. ANNE: No, I have definitely decided on a career over marriage. I think I'd like to be a nun. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be the bride of heaven? Oh, but then I'm not Catholic and I hardly qualify for that sort of career. DIANA: Well, what about a nurse? That's a romantic profession. Smoothing fevered brows. And some handsome millionaire patient falling madly in love with you and carrying you off to the Mediterranean. ANNE: I can't give it all up for the prosaic reality of Gilbert. He proposed, you know. And I refused. DIANA: You what?! ANNE: Yes. DIANA: Anne, are you out of your mind? ANNE: Don't scold me, Diana. Can't you understand? DIANA: Anne, I can't believe it. I thought all this going on about your ideals was a cover-up because he hadn't asked you, yet. You actually said no? ANNE: Take that back, Diana Barry. I never flirted with him. Gil and I have only ever been good friends. DIANA: I even steered clear of Gilbert because of you. How could you, Anne? ANNE: I know. I don't love him. I'm sure he despises me now. And you despise me. And I despise myself. I'm so humiliated over this whole stupid thing! DIANA: Poor darling. I have no right to scold you. Things are so mixed up in real life, Anne. They're never as clear as they are in romantic novels. ANNE: Your parents are coming. DIANA: Oh, Anne, I shall die. I'm so nervous. I know I'm going to faint, Aunt Jo. AUNT JOSEPHINE BARRY: If you do, I'll drag you down to the rain water hog shed and drop you in. Here. Let me see at you. ANNE: Don't you fret. Oh, you look lovely. MR. BARRY: Well, everything's all ready. I've given the minister the signal. MRS. BARRY: Oh, my darling, I'm losing you forever. AUNT JOSEPHINE BARRY: Now, now. Don't get all sentimental, Elizabeth. You still have Minnie May. Tears aren't lucky at weddings.
RACHEL: What a fine looking pair. AUNT JOSEPHINE BARRY: ANNE: I wonder why everyone seems to think I ought be with Gilbert Blythe. ANNE: Moody Spurgeon! Goodness, you look older in you new celluloid collar. MOODY SPURGEON: Thanks, Anne. You look dashing, yourself. You looked as good as the bride. ANNE: Well, how sweet of you, Moody, to ask Josie to the wedding. You know, I was afraid you mightn't have been invited. JOSIE PYE: Isn't she precious, Moody? You wore that sweet old dress to Fanny Emerson's wedding last year, though, didn't you, Anne? You know what they say, "Twice a bridesmaid, never a bride." ANNE: That's three times a bridesmaid, not twice, Josie. MOODY SPURGEON: I won't, Anne. [to Josie] Alright, I was just trying to be polite. GILBERT: [to Christine] Ah, excuse me a moment, won't you, Christine. Moody. Josie. [runs after Anne] MOODY SPURGEON: Gilbert. DIANA: [to Moody, Josie] What's wrong? GILBERT: Anne, wait! ANNE: Please, Gil. GILBERT: Where are you going? ANNE: I'm leaving. Marilla took Rachel back early. She was ill and I don't feel very well either. GILBERT: I'll drive you back. ANNE: What about your friend? GILBERT: I can explain. She won't mind. ANNE: She looks like a lovely and accomplished young lady, Gil. GILBERT: It's not Christine I care about. There's someone else, isn't there? ANNE: No, Gil, honestly there isn't. GILBERT: Anne, I'll wait. Even if I thought you cared just a little. ANNE: I do care, Gil. I always have. But I can never, never love you in the way you want me to. I'm happy as I am; I won't ever marry. GILBERT: You'll marry, alright. Some fool who will sit and read Tennyson by firelight, no doubt. Build you your castles in the sky. I know you. ANNE: Please, Gil, I don't mean to hurt you. But you'll see I'm right by and by when you fall for someone else. GILBERT: You haven't hurt me, really. It's just that I fool myself into thinking that you loved me, that's all. ANNE: Gil, please. GILBERT: I hope he breaks your heart, whoever he is. ANNE: You don't under-- GILBERT: Then maybe you'll come to your senses. DIANA: Anne! ANNE: Oh, you look positively radiant. DIANA: And you look like you've seen a ghost. ANNE: Gilbert spoke to me again. Diana, I feel like I've cut off his right arm. Would you please go and talk to him? I know he'll listen to you. FRED WRIGHT: Hurry up, Diana! DIANA: I don't know when or how, but I'll try. Good-bye, Anne. ANNE: Farewell, my beloved. [Diana and Fred leave] CHRISTINE STUART: You're wrong, Tillie. I thought Anne Shirley looked lovely beside Diana. TILLIE BOULTER: Christine Stuart, you're too kind. I can't believe you didn't notice Anne starring at Gilbert just to make him jealous. CHRISTINE STUART: I know that Gilbert is very fond of Anne, but he certainly isn't jealous. JOSIE PYE: She's just trying desperately to win him back from you. CHRISTINE STUART: I don't think it's that at all. Besides, Gil and I are only friends. JOSIE PYE: Well, I think Anne Shirley has far too big an opinion of herself. MARILLA: Why, Anne. I thought you were going to stay at the Barrys' for the bonfire. Why did you come home so early? ANNE: Diana. She was the bride of my dreams. She and Fred have left now, and I feel tired and anxious... I don't know. Perhaps I should accept Miss Stacey's offer in Kingsport. I'd like to see and hear new places. I could get a whole bunch of ideas I could write stories from. MARILLA: Rachel was feeling pretty discouraged today at the wedding, having to move west and live with her boy and all. And the thought came to me that perhaps I should ask her to board with me instead of the Piccard girl. I haven't said anything to her; I wanted your opinion. ANNE: Well, it would be your decision, Marilla. Are you sure? MARILLA: Well, she has her faults, I know. But she has been my nearest neighbor for 45 years and I'd rather put up with her than lose her. ANNE: Please don't do this because you feel badly on my account. MARILLA: Stuff and nonsense! I can be civil with Rachel, so long as she stays out of my kitchen. I will be quite capable of looking after the farm with Mr. Barry's help. ANNE: Marilla, do you never wish you'd adopted a boy like you intended to? He could have run this farm and saved you all this trouble. MARILLA: RACHEL: I never thought of living as far off the road as Green Gables, but I'd rather live at the bottom of a well than leave Avonlea. DIANA: Well, I know how grateful Anne is to you for staying. RACHEL: Well, she was always one to leap into things when she made her mind up to it. It's a blessing she's going off to a ladies' academy, that's what. I don't approve of them coeducational institutions, and I never have. All the girls flirting with all the boys. MARILLA: They do study a little, Rachel. RACHEL: Hmph! Precious little. However, her pupils will be well enough behaved if this school's as well-to-do as she claims. ANNE: I can't imagine I've forgotten a thing. You've all been so helpful. RACHEL: Mind how you were raised, now, and go to church regularly, Anne. And be careful what friends you make. MARILLA: Be sure to put on your warm underclothes when the weather gets chilly. RACHEL: Yes, and be careful of your health, whatever you do. MARILLA: And you let us hear from you when you've settled. RACHEL: Good-bye, Anne. ANNE: Good-bye. RACHEL: Make sure everything is well tagged when you put it on the train. DIANA: Don't worry, we'll take care of everything. MARILLA: Hurry up, now. You'll be late. Good luck! ANNE: Good-bye, Marilla. I don't know what I'd do without you! You've both been so wonderful. But I won't be gone for long and I promise I'll write as often as I can. Good-bye. RACHEL: MARILLA: Nobody at all. I can't help remembering her as a little girl. Awful hard, I was bewildered trying to manage her. Matthew understood her better. RACHEL: Well, it's to your credit you changed her as much as you did. MARILLA: Oh, she hasn't changed much. Not really. It's us that's changed, Rachel. ANNE: How I've longed for this moment, Diana. And now that it's starring me in the face, I can't bare the thought of leaving. FRED WRIGHT: We saw Gil Blythe up to medical school last week. ANNE: Did he say anything, Diana? DIANA: I think he understands, Anne.
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