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Sequel Script: Part 9
MRS. TOM PRINGLE: You are good luck, Anne Shirley. This is the largest number of tickets we've ever sold for the hospital. ANNE: Well, I enjoy helping out in any which way I can, Mrs. Pringle. MRS. TOM PRINGLE: Don't get stuck behind that table all night. Be sure to get a dance. ANNE: I will. [to patrons] Hello, would you like some punch? LEWIS ALLEN: You took the teachers' course at Queen's. Shirley, isn't it? ANNE: Anne Shirley, yes. LEWIS ALLEN: Lewis Allen. [they shake hands] I remember, you won the Avery Scholarship and Gilbert Blythe won the gold medal. ANNE: Yes, that's right. Pleased to know you. What do you do now, Lewis? LEWIS ALLEN: I am the principal of Richmond Public School. Not the most adventurous place in the world, but, uh, I've done alright for myself, compared to a lot of others from Queens. ANNE: Do you dance as well as you boast? LEWIS ALLEN: Better. [they dance] GOSSIP 1: Morgan Harris certainly upstaged the Pringles with that Evans woman. GOSSIP 2: They say she's a perfect cat. Worth millions, though. GOSSIP 1: I've never. And believe me, it will take all his gold to gild a pill like her. GOSSIP 2: It's a match of adjoining bank accounts, to be sure. [women laugh] MORGAN HARRIS: Anne. Anne. ANNE: Good evening, sir. Or rather, good night. MORGAN HARRIS: Good night? You promised me a waltz. ANNE: I'm sorry, my card was full all evening. MORGAN HARRIS: Wait a moment. Let me explain-- ANNE: Please, don't spoil the evening for your guest by causing a scene. MORGAN HARRIS: Anne! Where are you going? ANNE: I'm quite exhausted. Please, don't complicate matters by making excuses. MORGAN HARRIS: Elvira Evans is a business associate. For the past year I have been liquidating the last of her father's shipping estate. Bringing her to Maplehurst was a gesture of hospitality, the conclusion of a lengthy transaction. ANNE: I know when I am being conveniently excluded. MORGAN HARRIS: It isn't that at all! Be reasonable! ANNE: Why should I? I have no ulterior motives. MORGAN HARRIS: You're right. You're as fickle-minded as a breeze! We all go on about you. Even mother. She absolutely adores you. Under the circumstances, how could I have invited you this evening? ANNE: MORGAN HARRIS: I would like you to come back to Maplehurst. ANNE: Indeed, I don't know why. As Emmeline's governess, perhaps? I'll save you the trouble of asking. [she turns to leave] MORGAN HARRIS: [grabbing her] I won't lose you, Anne Shirley. ANNE: Let go of me. MORGAN HARRIS: Please, I would like-- [she kicks him] Oh. Oh. ANNE: Morgan Harris. Oh, I'm awfully sorry, but you grabbed me. MORGAN HARRIS: I want to ask you to marry me. ANNE: What did you say? MORGAN HARRIS: I'm in love with you. ANNE: You really mean that, don't you? MORGAN HARRIS: My life on it. I only know I could never bear to lose you. ANNE: I do care a great deal for you and Emmeline. But I can't. MORGAN HARRIS: What do you mean? ANNE: For five glorious seconds, I really thought perhaps I could marry you. I used to dream of a moment like this. But now, I can't describe it. I need to go home. MORGAN HARRIS: We can go back for summer holidays. Rent one of those big, old places on the gulf. Not the same thing, is it? ANNE: No. Look at you. You're out here without even your coat on; you'll catch your death. Really, you should go back in. I still have a waltz free. All right? Let's give those old ladies something to gossip about. ANNE: Come in. Why, Mr. McGuiness, what is it? MR. McGUINESS: You must come quickly to Maplehurst, Miss. Everyone's worried. Mrs. Harris has kept silent all week. ANNE: Silent? Something must be dreadfully wrong. EMMELINE: She took a bad spell just after papa left and now she won't eat or drink. And poor Aunt Pauline is beside herself to know what we should do. PAULINE HARRIS: Miss Shirley, thank Goodness you've come. I'm afraid that she's slipping away and it's all my fault. Isaac Kent wants me to marry him, practically. He's asked me to join the Presbyterian Church Choir League. Mama hates Isaac as much as she did fifteen years ago when she set a bull terrier on him for coming around to see me. I don't think she'll forgive me. I'm so afraid she's going to die. ANNE: You must choose between them, Pauline. PAULINE HARRIS: Oh, I don't think I can live without him. ANNE: Don't be frightened now. You must accept. PAULINE HARRIS: Oh, Miss Shirley. You've always been able to smooth things over with mama. Please try to get her to forgive me. MRS. HARRIS: Oh, it's you. ANNE: Mrs. Harris, please, hear me through patiently. MRS. HARRIS: I'm always patient. Very patient. ANNE: I want you to know, Pauline is greatly troubled. She is of the opinion that she should accept Isaac Kent's hand in marriage. MRS. HARRIS: I thought there was some foolishness between her and that ridiculous fellow. ANNE: In your heart, you must know it's the right thing to do. The truth is, Pauline needs your forgiveness if she's ever going to be happy. I advised her to be married and I beg of you to let her go. MRS. HARRIS: If you've managed to get Pauline to accept that Isaac Kent, you've accomplished more than I thought was humanly possible. ANNE: "I withhold not my heart from any joy." That's Bible authority for you. MRS. HARRIS: "And yet man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upwards." Job 5, verse 7. Pauline! Come here, girl. MINISTER: No one can deny Margaret Pringle Harris' place as a cornerstone of our community. It is with great remorse that we turn her spirit over to her Master. Though our hearts be troubled with this great loss, we must remind ourselves of the fleetingness of our own lives, and that someday we shall rejoice with Margaret forever in the hereafter. Amen. ANNE: Good-bye. PAULINE HARRIS: Thank you. ANNE: You're welcome. EMMELINE: We're going back to Boston, Miss Shirley. MORGAN HARRIS: Pauline has accepted Isaac Kent. I've decided to sell Maplehurst. ANNE: How I shall miss you, Emme. But we will see each other again soon. And I promise you I won't ever forget you. Just you mind that. EMMELINE: I will. Good-bye, Miss Shirley. ANNE: Please accept my condolences, Morgan. MORGAN HARRIS: Mother mentioned you before she went. She was very keen on you. ANNE: She was never one to throw away a compliment. That means a great deal to me. MORGAN HARRIS: Will you not reconsider? ANNE: I've come very close to reconsidering. But it isn't any use, Morgan. MORGAN HARRIS: I'll miss you, Anne. ANNE: I hope you rent that big house on the gulf someday, because I'll miss you, too. ANNE: Ahem. I haven't had a chance to thank you, Miss Brooke. It's been such a rewarding year. BROOKE: Don't be ridiculous, please. ANNE: Where will you be spending your summer holidays? BROOKE: Here in this fire trap. Where did you suppose? ANNE: Why stay if you don't like it? BROOKE: Why? Don't trouble yourself. You've paid your lip service. Now, good bye. I shall see you next term. ANNE: I won't be coming back next term. I've given my resignation to the board and to Miss Stacey. I came here to ask you if you'd like to spend your holidays with me at Green Gables, unless you have somewhere else you're going. BROOKE: An outburst of charity. I'm hardly a candidate for that, yet. ANNE: Katherine Brooke, whether you know it or not, what you want is a darn good spanking. BROOKE: It must have relieved you to say that. ANNE: It has, and I've wanted to say it to you for a very long time. But I have asked you to come because the very idea of you spending the summer cooped up in here is indecent. BROOKE: You asked me because you feel sorry for me. ANNE: I am sorry for you. You shut out life, and now life is shutting you out. Now are you coming or not? BROOKE: What would you say if I accepted? ANNE: I'd say that's the first faint glimmer of common sense I've ever detected in you. [Brooke laughs] BROOKE: Alright, I accept. Now you can go through the motions of telling me how delighted you are and how I'll have a wonderful time. ANNE: I am delighted. But as to a wonderful time, that will depend entirely on you, Katherine. RACHEL: The murder trials in this Boston paper my niece sent me are real interesting, Marilla. Full of heathen, that place. I hope Anne will never go there again. Can you imagine that new minister going on about how he doesn't believe that all the heathen will be eternally lost? The idea! If they won't be, all the money we've been sending to the foreign missions will be completely wasted. That's what. MARILLA: I wouldn't fret if I were you, Rachel. Goodness knows, the world is full of beggars, and it's a pretty pass if we can't help out a fellow being in need, Christian or not. [she looks up; seeing Anne, she runs onto the road] RACHEL: Marilla Cuthbert! Don't you be buying any junk from those peddlers just to satisfy your conscience. Oh, it's a ill wind that blows no good. Come back here! You'll kill yourself running! ANNE: Marilla! [they hug] I'm home, Marilla. I'm home to stay. MARILLA: Oh, blessed child, how I've missed you. We were looking for you tomorrow. How did you get from Bright River? ANNE: I walked here, Marilla. We left our luggage at the station. I got homesick all at once and I wanted to show Katherine all my old haunts. MARILLA: Welcome to Green Gables. BROOKE: Thank you for having me, Miss Cuthbert. ANNE: Aren't these blossoms fragrant? Smell them, Marilla. Drink them in. MARILLA: Enough of that nonsense. It's you I want to hear about, not drinking in blossoms. [to Katherine] You must be real tired, Katherine. Come and have a cup of tea on the veranda. ANNE: Oh, let's go slowly, Marilla. I've dreamt of this moment all year. I want to soak it all in. MARILLA: Not if Rachel has anything to do with it. She'll want to spill out all the news of Avonlea. RACHEL: Hello, Anne Shirley! I have so much to tell you. There's so much going on in Avonlea. ANNE: Rachel, I have so much to tell you. It's so good to see you again. RACHEL: How are you? ANNE: Rachel, this is Katherine Brooke. This is Rachel Lynde. BROOKE: How do you do? RACHEL: Pleased to meet you. Come on in. ANNE: Green Gables never changes. That's the beautiful thing about coming home, don't you think? [Katherine stops and turns, sobbing] Katherine? What's wrong? Can I help you? BROOKE: You can't understand. Everything's always been so easy for you. I'm caught in a trap. I don't think I'm ever going to be able to get out. ANNE: You don't hate me any longer, do you? BROOKE: Oh, Anne. ANNE: Yes, you can. You'll be quite independent and free here.
BROOKE: When I was a little girl, I remember an old faded print on my uncle's wall, showing a string of camels around a desert with a palm spring. I've always wanted to travel and see that place. To see the Taj Mahal, the pillars of Karnak. ANNE: I always wanted to be your friend, Katherine spelled with a "K." Underneath all your prickles, you really are a kindred spirit. BROOKE: Does life never frighten you with its bleakness, Anne Shirley? This is the first place I've ever been to that feels like a real home. DIANA: Isn't he perfect? ANNE: He's the most perfect baby I've ever seen, Diana. MARILLA: Every baby is the sweetest and the best. DIANA: Before he came, I wanted a girl so I could call her Anne. But I wouldn't exchange baby Fred for a million girls. RACHEL: If you had an Anne, you'd feel the same about her. ANNE: Would you like to hold the baby, Katherine? BROOKE: No. No, I've never held a baby in my life. DIANA: Never held a baby. Don't be silly. BROOKE: I'm afraid it'd go to pieces in my arms. ANNE: There you are! He's taken with you, Katherine. It feels so good to see you dear folk again. I want to hear all the Avonlea news. MINNIE MAY BARRY: I've grown a whole inch since you left and now that short Anthony Pye can't pick on me anymore. DIANA: Can't you think of any more interesting news than that, Minnie May? MINNIE MAY BARRY: DIANA: Minnie May, hold your tongue. ANNE: What do you mean, Diana? DIANA: We didn't mean to tell you so suddenly, Anne. MARILLA: He took scarlet fever in mid-term. He picked it up at the hospital in Halifax. RACHEL: Terrible worn out with school, I expect. They've got a trained nurse, and everything's been done. MARILLA: I picked this up at the post office. It's addressed to you. ANNE: My...my book. MARILLA: Well, don't sit there shaking like a leaf. Open it. ANNE: Marilla, this can't be real. They accepted my manuscript last February with a $250 advance. MARILLA: ANNE: It's not a classic or a romance or anything important. It's just a humorous book of stories I did about Avonlea in my spare time last fall. Look. But it's mine. It's all mine. MARILLA: [reading the dedication] "To Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert for their unfailing love and support, and for Gilbert, who inspired me with the idea in the first place." You do beat all, Anne. Everyone will think I put you up to it. Aw, it's awful good of you, especially considering Gilbert. ANNE: How sick is he really? MARILLA: It's been a bad case from the start. No one's heard anything the past week. He has the Blythe constitution in his favor, though. If God wills it. ANNE: Marilla, there's a book of Revelations in everyone's life. I've been so wrong. If Gil were to--... not knowing how I really care. MARILLA: Oh, there, there. There, now. ANNE: What would I do without him? MARILLA: We can't change what God determines. [whistling outside draws Anne to the window] ANNE: That's Jerry Buote. Jerry Buote works for Mr. Blythe. It must be a sign. The worst would be more endurable than not knowing at all. ANNE: Jerry! Jerry! Jerry, wait! Jerry, do you know how Gilbert Blythe is doing? JERRY BUOTE: I think, I think he's bad. The Blythes are all hoping he's going to get better. I don't know. The doctor figures, maybe he's going to have a close shave yet, though. ANNE: Will you ask Mr. Blythe to give him this for me? JERRY BUOTE: Come with me if you like. Give it to him yourself. ANNE: Hello, Gil. It's me. GILBERT: [barely a whisper] Anne. ANNE: I've come to ask you to go for one of our old-time rambles in the woods. GILBERT: I wish I could go. ANNE: I brought you my book. I've been published, Gil. I wrote about Avonlea, just as you said I should, without any highfalutin mumbo-jumbo. I've dedicated the inscription to Marilla and to Matthew, and to you. I was thinking of saving it as a wedding gift, and then I just decided I couldn't wait. GILBERT: Anne, there's not going to be any wedding anymore. ANNE: You're going to get well, Gil. I know you will. GILBERT: I called it off. It wouldn't have been fair to Christine. ANNE: Gil. GILBERT: BROOKE: Oh, Anne. Summer has flown by so quickly. A school teacher really is a slave of time. I don't know how I'm ever going to go back. ANNE: Don't be silly. There's always another bend in the road. BROOKE: Bend in the road. There's no bend in my road; I can see it stretching straight out in front of me to the skyline. ANNE: Katherine, just look at you. You're rosy and healthy. And your hair looks so attractive like that, instead of all pulled back. Besides, I happen to know of two eligible young men who've asked about you. BROOKE: Really? ANNE: They're going to be at the bonfire tonight. BROOKE: Oh, I wouldn't know what to say to them. Will you help me, Anne? ANNE: You give yourself far too little credit, Katherine. BROOKE: I wish I had your confidence. I can believe almost anything in this Green Gables of yours. Well, mine's full. ANNE: I'll be along. I want make sure Marilla has three full bushels. GILBERT: Hello, Anne ANNE: Hello, Gil. You're looking very robust. GILBERT: Well, I guess I just made up my mind I wasn't going to let it lick me. Care for a stroll down the lane? I don't think there are going to be many more fine afternoons like this left in the summer. ANNE: I wish I could, but Katherine and I, we're off to Alice Penhallow's bonfire in an hour. It's the first party I'm taking her to and she's very nervous. How about I walk you across the pond? [they walk] I was really afraid for you Gil, until we heard you were over the worst. GILBERT: Oh, I was lucky, I suppose. I'm not quite my old self yet. By the time the term starts, I'll be in fine form. I'm glad you came back when you did, Anne. It meant a lot to me. I finally read your book. A fine piece of work. I knew you could do it. ANNE: Publishers are already planning a second edition. It was a long lesson to learn. But you were right. I'm not going back to Kingsport. I'm going to stay here at Green Gables and write. GILBERT: The private girls school was too rough on you, was it?
ANNE: No. It's just that I went looking for my ideals outside of myself. GILBERT: Well, I hope you keep on dreaming. It will be three years before I finish medical school, and even then, there won't be any diamond sunbursts or marble halls. ANNE:
Script Index -- 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5 -- 6 -- 7 -- 8 -- 9