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Sequel Script: Part 7
ANNE: [to shepherd] Pardon me, young man. I was wondering if you would allow my girls and me the pleasure of a hayride into town in your wagon. It would be so exciting for them, and I promise they won't be any trouble. [all the girls go for a hayride] PAULINE HARRIS: [seeing Mrs. Harris out and about] Mama. Mama? [to Isaac Kent] You'll simply have to go. Good bye. Mama! Mama, what's happened? Mama, are you alright? You're wearing a hat. Mama, I can't remember the last time I-- MRS. HARRIS: Pauline, will you calm yourself? You sound hysterical. Haven't you seen me wear a hat often enough, girl? Miss Shirley suggested an alfresco lunch. It was most enjoyable. PAULINE HARRIS: I've been so anxious about you, mama. I was worried sick the entire party. MRS. HARRIS: Will you stop fluttering, girl? You fidget. ANNE: Pauline, did you have a good time at your wedding party? PAULINE HARRIS: Oh, my, yes. Oh, Louisa sent you her your bouquet, mama. The flowers were wonderful. The parlor was a bower. MRS. HARRIS: Like a funeral, I suppose. PAULINE HARRIS: And the minister married cousin Louisa and Maurice all over again. MRS. HARRIS: Sacrilegious. PAULINE HARRIS: Molly and Emily send their love. And, oh, Emily has the most delicious baby. MRS. HARRIS: You speak as though it was something to eat. Babies are common enough. ANNE: Babies are never common. Each one is a miracle. MRS. HARRIS: Well, I had two of them. I didn't see much that was miraculous about either of them. PAULINE HARRIS: Mama, you're so bright and cheerful today. However did you two get along, Miss Shirley? MRS. HARRIS: Well, that I have a head, and we got on well enough. [to Anne] I don't care what the Pringles say; I think you're quite good-looking. ANNE: Thank you. [Jen Pringle lets sheep loose and girls scream] ANNE: Oh, good grief! MRS. HARRIS: Well, well. "Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep and doesn't know where to find them." GIRLS: Hurry! Hurry! MRS. HARRIS: Good day, Miss Kerr. After this, I shall be surprised at nothing. "Leave them alone, and they'll come home, bringing their tails behind them." [girls chase sheep, screaming] MORGAN HARRIS: Get those sheep out of here! EMMELINE: Papa! MORGAN HARRIS: Emmeline! You were told to stop wearing those ridiculous spectacles outside. Your eyesight will never improve if you constantly wear them-- EMMELINE: Yes, papa, but Miss Shirley gave me these new ones and I-- MORGAN HARRIS: Go inside. I mean immediately. EMMELINE: But-- MORGAN HARRIS: Hurry up. [to shepherd] Young man! Who is responsible for this? Is this your wagon? ANNE: Oh, thank you. We had a marvelous time. MORGAN HARRIS: Miss Shirley. May I have a word with you? ANNE: [to Miss Kerr] You run along, Miss Kerr. I'll catch up. [to Morgan] Yes, sir. MORGAN HARRIS: It seems that each time we meet, a catastrophe lies in my way. ANNE: Well, then perhaps you ought to get out of the way. MORGAN HARRIS: I get annoyed when people treat my instructions lightly, Miss Shirley. I gave explicit orders that my daughter was to have no further association with Kingsport Ladies' College. Would you mind telling me what the devil you're doing here? ANNE: We have been on a country picnic, sir. MORGAN HARRIS: Oh? ANNE: Hosted by your mother. MORGAN HARRIS: My mother? She authorized taking out all those carriages and inviting all those girls? ANNE: No, sir. I did. And as she has nothing better to think about than herself, I thought that it was high time someone tried to help her. MORGAN HARRIS: Then you really are as insane as all the rumors I've heard about you. ANNE: What have you heard? MORGAN HARRIS: You wouldn't want to know. ANNE: Yes, I would. MORGAN HARRIS: The Pringles have labeled you the Mad-capped English Professor. Someone said you had written the most ridiculous story they'd ever read published by something or other Reliable Baking Powder Company. And that you were the silliest red-headed mouse of a schoolmistress they'd ever known. ANNE: Thanks to you, I was very nearly fired. There's a logical explanation behind everything. But, you people really are the most narrow-minded, self-centered, quarrelsome group I have ever encountered. I'd like to poison your entire clan. You can't stand to see anyone succeed other than yourselves. Oh, I am sure you're all gloating over who will fly the victory banner at the end of this year. Well, you have not got the better of me, yet! MORGAN HARRIS: Whoa! [grabbing her] Come back here, miss. You're upset by what the Pringles think of you. ANNE: I don't care to discuss it, if you don't mind. MORGAN HARRIS: Well, I'm sorry. You're afraid the Pringle rumors might enforce my conclusions about you. ANNE: Your conclusions? Don't flatter yourself. MORGAN HARRIS: You might be interested in listening to what I actually had to say in your defense. ANNE: You ought to look around and see if there's anyone you like to listen to better than yourself. [he tips his hat and turns to leave] I took it upon myself to see that this was delivered to you. I'm sure you're far too busy to forward a change of address to your daughter. If you weren't so self-absorbed, sir, you'd realize there's a little girl who desperately loves you. MORGAN HARRIS: You can go. PAULINE HARRIS: [comes out of house] Morgan! MORGAN HARRIS: Pauline! PAULINE HARRIS: Oh, Miss Shirley, wait! Morgan! [hugs him] MORGAN HARRIS: How are you? PAULINE HARRIS: I'll be right back. Miss Shirley! Oh, Miss Shirley, thank goodness you didn't let mama see me getting out of that fellow's carriage. ANNE: Pauline, you're positively trembling. PAULINE HARRIS: Oh, it was heavenly. I simply have to tell you everything. Isaac Kent drove me home. He used to be an old beau of mine. Well, no, hardly an old beau; he never had any real intentions. But we did used to go driving around together. He, um, paid me a compliment. He said, "Your hair looks as much like molasses taffy as it ever did." I hope there wasn't anything improper in his saying that? ANNE: Nothing whatsoever. PAULINE HARRIS: He asked me to go driving again. Heaven knows what mama's going to say, but I don't even care! Louisa and I walked all around the old house and remembered all the summers we spent together as little girls. We saw the lilac bushes we planted years ago. I don't know. I just never had such a wonderful day. ANNE: Pauline, I'm so pleased. PAULINE HARRIS: How can I ever repay you? ANNE: I just wish you didn't have such a difficult time here. PAULINE HARRIS: Oh, I don't even mind coming home, somehow. Morgan's here for a few weeks on business. I hope it will be just like old times. After all, mama needs me, and it's nice being needed, isn't it? Oh, thank you, Miss Shirley. [hands her the dress] ANNE: No, you keep the dress. Heaven knows, you might get to wear it again. PAULINE HARRIS: God bless you. Oh, you've done more than you'll ever know. BROOKE: [answering telephone] Kingsport Ladies' College, Miss Brooke speaking. . . Why, good afternoon, Mrs. Pringle. . . Sore throat? . . . Tonsillitis? Good heavens, I hope it isn't serious. . . It's not contagious, is it? . . . Oh, I see. . . No, no, but-- . . . No, we understand completely. One must not interfere with the doctor's orders. . . I agree with you, Mrs. Pringle. . . I appreciate your giving us sufficient notice. . . Thank you. . . Good-bye. [hangs up] Jen Pringle will not be performing this evening. MISS STACEY: You can't be serious. Not after all this effort. BROOKE: We shall simply have to return the tickets and put it off. MISS STACEY: Until when? We can't afford to rebook the hall. And what about the band? I still have to pay for them. BROOKE: Well, Muriel Stacey, I told you it was foolish to get up a play at this time of year. Don't blame me. ANNE: Jen Pringle is in no more danger of tonsillitis than I am. This is a deliberate device to ruin the play and get rid of me. BROOKE: That's an awfully sour attitude. What do you intend to do? Read it yourself? That would ruin it. Mary is the entire play. ANNE: We are not postponing anything. I'll be back in an hour. Carry on as we planned until you hear from me. MAID: [answering door] Miss Shirley. ANNE: I would like to speak to Capt. Harris, please. MAID: I'm sorry. He's busy in his study and I regret to say he won't be disturbed. ANNE: I'm sorry, Annabel, but this is a matter that goes beyond regret. MORGAN HARRIS: Come in. [on the phone] We'll look at the shipment in Boston. On Monday, alright. [hangs up] ANNE: I apologize for interrupting you so rudely, sir, but I'll be brief. Because you've withdrawn you're financial support from the college, we have been attempting to raise the balance of our operating costs through the production of a benefit concert scheduled for this evening. Now our concert is threatened because Jen Pringle, our leading performer, has called in ill at the last minute. Emmeline knows the part cold; we've been studying it together. This opportunity would mean the everything to her. I know what you think of me, my methods, and the school, but I beg of you to let her perform with us tonight. MORGAN HARRIS: I take it, then, your job is on the line. ANNE: I intend to see this through, sir. MORGAN HARRIS: You have no business interfering here, Miss Shirley. Emmeline is far too easily influenced for her own good. But, under the circumstances, I feel I owe you an apology for some of the things I said the other day and all the trouble I've obviously caused. I meant no harm. ANNE: Please, that was my own fault. MORGAN HARRIS: Perhaps I reacted hastily taking Emmeline out of school. Pringles like to throw their weight around this community. You might say I took Emmeline's expulsion as an attack on myself. ANNE: But, I thought you supported the general consensus. MORGAN HARRIS: Please, don't lump me in with that lot. Kingsport is a very insidious town. I am grateful to you for your insights, Miss Shirley. Emmeline may go. ANNE: Emmeline may go? MORGAN HARRIS: Emmeline may go. ANNE: Thank you, sir. I'm just dizzy with gratitude. [she knocks over a table of chess and picks up the pieces] Sorry. MORGAN HARRIS: Miss Shirley. Miss Shirley. You and Emmeline hurry along. The Pringles will be sharpening their knives. ANNE: Thank you. EMMELINE: "Forgive all evil toward me of all men, deed or device to hurt me. Yea, I would not bear one heart unreconciled with mine when mine is cold. I will not take Death's hand with any soil of hate or wrath or wrong about me. But being friends with this past world, pass from it in the general peace of love." [flourish; applause; cheers] MISS STACEY: Thank you. Thank you all so much for your, well, overwhelming support for this evening's benefit. I would now like to introduce to you K.L.C.'s brilliant, young English professor, an individual who has overseen every last inch of this production and whose inspired direction has brought forth such magnificent performances from your daughters: Miss Anne Shirley. ANNE: Thank you. MISS STACEY: Miss Shirley, on behalf of the Kings County Board of Education, it gives me very great pleasure to present you with this check, the proceeds of this evening's exciting events, made out to the Kingsport Ladies' College, in the amount of $2500. ANNE: Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. It would be impossible for me to speak without having by my side the three other energetic supporters of tonight's events: Miss Kerr, Miss McKay, and especially our beloved principal, Miss Katherine Brooke, who all worked so tirelessly on this production. It was with great trepidation that I began my year here at Kingsport Ladies' College, and I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to my fellow teachers and to the parents of my students who all tried to make me feel so at home during my first few weeks in Kingsport. I have grown to love and respect all of our girls at K.L.C., and have found many kindred spirits among them. If we have opened your hearts this evening and entertained you even a little, we have succeeded. Thank you all for your very fine support. ANNE: Thank you. MAN 1: Very good. ANNE: Thank you. MYRA PRINGLE: Hi, Miss Shirley. ANNE: Hi. MRS. TOM PRINGLE: I can't thank you enough for what you've done for my Myra. She's got along better this term than she has in a long time. ANNE: She's a joy to teach. MRS. TOM PRINGLE: Thank you. I just hope they all realize what a jewel you are, my dear. I know some of the other Pringles have been abominable, but I don't care what they say; you can board with me next term. ANNE: Thank you for the invitation. WOMAN: I had a teacher just like you when I was a girl. You brought back so many memories. MAN 2: Congratulations, my dear. ANNE: Thank you for your kind support. EMMELINE: Papa! Papa, what did you think? MORGAN HARRIS: Emmeline, you were an angel. You stole away everyone's heart including mine. Come back to Earth now, for a while. EMMELINE: It all seems like a dream. ANNE: Thanks. Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it. ANNE: Emmeline! Oh, you were wonderful. EMMELINE: Thanks. Thank you. MORGAN HARRIS: It looks like you've single-handedly routed the entire Pringle clan. ANNE: Well, let's just say that the winds of persecution have blown over. [he laughs] Thank you, sir. This has meant a great deal to me. EMMELINE: I'll never forget it as long as I live. ANNE: Nor will I. Good night, Emmeline. MORGAN HARRIS: Miss Shirley, I'd like you to go on tutoring my daughter, so she'll be caught up when she returns to college next term. I'm prepared to make it worth your while. ANNE: Only if you put my wages back into supporting the college. MORGAN HARRIS: You're asking me to renegotiate. ANNE: Yes. MORGAN HARRIS: You have a deal. ANNE: Thank you. Good night, Emmeline. Good night. MORGAN HARRIS: Good night. ANNE: Miss Brooke generously left the light on for us. She must be in a good mood. [girls laugh] Settle down. I'll be along shortly to tuck you girls in. ANNE: Isn't that ring around the moon enchanting? BROOKE: I've seen a good many moons in my time. ANNE: You haven't seen this one. Sit down. Let's let it just soak into our souls. Wasn't it a marvelous evening? BROOKE: Don't make a fool out of yourself, please. ANNE: It was thought in ancient times, that when a man and a woman sat under such a moon, they would be bonded together in love for eternity. BROOKE: Love. If I died tomorrow, not one living soul would miss me. What is it you want, Anne Shirley? ANNE: To be your friend. BROOKE: I don't have friends. I don't have your notable gift for doing the queen act, always saying the right thing to everyone. ANNE: You say you like people to be frank. Well, I'm going to be frank. It's your own fault that no one likes you. Katherine Brooke, you are all prickles and stings. BROOKE: I know I'm not social and people hate me. Do you think it doesn't hurt that I'm always neglected and overlooked at social functions? I'm sorry. I've never been able to swallow all the snubs and pokes I've received here in my life. I remember every single one. For fifteen years, I had to endure relatives who cared as little for me as my dead parents. I've lived in third-rate boarding houses that froze in winter and stank in summer. I've worn their cast-off clothes. Fortunately, I had brains. I made it through college and I paid them back every cent. Oh, yes, I'm independent now. The truth is I hate teaching. But, there's nothing else that I can do. Look at you, little messenger of optimism. But how long will it last? Five, maybe ten years before you wither inside of this endless monotony. Prepare to join ranks of cold, uninteresting spinsters who have chosen a professional career, Anne Shirley.
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